Yucky Medicine: A Pandemic Season and Political Change

Dear Springwell Community,

This season of global pandemic and political upheaval has not been an easy one to stomach.

The thick combination of societal, familial, health-related, and financial stress reminds me of the grainy black Chinese herbal medicine that my mom used to give me as a kid when I was sick. Blech!

And yet, when I took that medicine as a child, at some level, I trusted that I would be better soon…. If we can see this season as powerful medicine, what healing can come out of this mess?

A clearer vision for the future

As head of school at Springwell, this yucky muck has given me even greater clarity around what our future generations need in order to be prepared for the future. Our little ones and their generation will have their own pandemics and upheavals to face. How can we prepare them to thrive and lead?

What clarity can this season bring you?

One way to find the clarity and medicinal power is to clarify how we wish we were better prepared for the stresses of this season. As parents, do we wish we had more resilience? Do we wish we could get up and dust ourselves up time and time again? Do we want more trust? confidence? bravery in the uncertainty? More adaptability? More strength to try again? More security? More ability to face and process deep emotions? I know I want more of that.

Learning for Life

At Springwell, we are learning for life. In addition to a strong academic program, we work with our students to find their center and make their way through challenges and problems. They’ll learn to ask questions and find the clarity and sharpen the understanding of what they are called to do next through inquiry and hands-on learning.

Our children may not feel confident all the time, and we will all have our wobbles, but we shall wobble together. Springwell students leave campus with more bravery and more clarity than when they first stepped foot on campus, because they practice the hard work of finding the medicine in each challenge.

Apply to Springwell

If you’re interested in Springwell for next Fall, your next step is to apply. Ready to move forward?
Apply today.


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Happy Inauguration Day