Can I Afford Springwell? On Sliding Scale Tuition


For families that have never considered independent school for their children, one idea that might keep you from applying might be the price tag.

At Springwell, diversity is a high value, including socio-economic diversity. In our view of the world, unique, innovative, progressive education should be available to any family that yearns for something different for their children. To walk our talk, we have instituted sliding scale, income-based tuition. 

At Springwell, tuition is set for each family on a sliding scale basis. Annual, bi-annual, and monthly payment options are available.

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Your Deepest Desires

Recently, I polled our family community for your deepest desires for your children. Here are some your yearnings for your children: 

  • a love of learning and curiosity

  • engagement and growth through play

  • peaceful parenting

  • providing loving kindness through guidance and support

  • a growth mindset

  • diverse life experiences and

  • global language skills.

We absolutely loved hearing all of your parental desires. Know that we at Springwell are holding an intentional space for our wishes to come true.

What will it take for our wishes come true?

Our prodding question to you today is: what will it take to make these wishes come to fruition? What are you willing to commit to, what resources might you garner, what communities might you enroll in?

Importantly, how might Springwell support you?

If you're curious about joining Springwell, we encourage you to apply today! There are still a few spots left in our Founding Class.


Parental Exhaustion is Real


Back to school? A tool to help you decide