COVID Safety - Micro Schools


Since the pandemic, the world and nation has dealt with a lot of changes especially when it comes to schools. However, we are ready here at Springwell. 

Science, data, and CDC guidelines matter

Health and safety are our first priority. Montgomery County has been consistently meeting metrics showing a decline in the number of new cases, the number of pandemic-related deaths and hospitalizations. Springwell praises the County's work in diligently and cautiously tracking progress as it reopens. We match these efforts, and adhere to guidelines set forth by the state of Maryland, Montgomery County, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Capping enrollment to 15 students: secure your spot today

By limiting class and school size, we ensure the safety of our students and also maintain a cohesive sense of community, without requiring a split schedule model where students take turns coming in to school.

We have a unique advantage as a new and small school to open in-person, safely. 

Get this child back to school . . . safely!

Parents, we've heard you. We hear how difficult it has been balancing childcare and learning in the home, while working and trying to stay sane. I've gone bonkers myself! We hope that having Springwell physically open this fall, in a unique, innovative learning environment, will be a dream come true for our founding families.

We are putting into place our own safety procedures and guidelines to align with the CDC and Maryland requirements to ensure safety in our schools, including:

  • Covid-19 screening policies

  • attendance and sick policy

  • staggered curbside drop-offs

  • temperature checks

  • hand-washing and personal hygiene

  • mask-wearing

  • social distancing protocols, including modular individual desks for children, floor markings, and outdoor time, and

  • regular cleaning and disinfecting practices.

Science and Data:
The health and safety of your children is our number one priority.

If the science and data are showing that it is not safe for our micro-school to open, we are prepared to deliver instruction through a hybrid model with virtual learning combined with outdoor activities and field trips. We've been pulling together best practices for online instruction techniques through our innovative summer camps this past summer. We have successfully cultivated engagement and community in an online environment.

Capping enrollment to 15 children, and even fewer households

As Maryland schools and schools around the country are opening virtually this fall, parents are turning to pandemic learning pods and micro-schools like Springwell for support. 

At Springwell, we are working hard to create a safe, learning pod community of our own. While we are capping enrollment to 15, there will be even fewer households, as many of our applicants are sibling pairs.

If a micro-school community is a good fit for your family, apply today.

Social contract: precautions during the pandemic

During our application process, we meet with parents to ensure that our Founding Families have a strong and authentic community ethos, where care and concern for the health and safety of all of our families is a high value. Shared responsibility for taking precautions against the pandemic is a top priority, and this is the only way that we at Springwell can stay healthy as a community.

For those families excited and intrigued by Springwell, I invite you to apply to join our school community today.


What real arts integration looks like


In Memory of Ruth Bader Ginsburg